It is time to nominate for Shine in #205! Help us celebrate any CUSD #205 staff member who goes above and beyond by completing the nomination form today! #Thisis205
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Shine in #205
Dr. Asplund visits Lombard Middle School today to see what is happening in a 6th-grade science class for his weekly video! #Thisis205
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
new video
Keisha Cares received an $800 donation today from Ryan Crane to help support students in need across the district. We are always thankful for community support. #Thisis205
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
The Give Back, Galesburg Be the CHANGE Coin Collection is happening this week at King Elementary, Silas Willard Elementary, Steele Elementary, and Lombard Middle School! We invite students to bring in any spare change (or bills) to contribute to their class container! The money collected supports the Kleine Pediatric Wellness Center which provides programs and gifts that benefit students! The collection ends Thursday afternoon and the winning class will get an extra PE Session next with Silver Streak Athletes! Bring in that change! #Thisis205
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
be the change
Happy #NewTeacherTuesday! Welcome to CUSD #205! #Thisis205 #StreaksNation
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Erica BUsh
Keisha Cares is back! Need a snack? Need extra support for a class? We will be at Silas Willard tonight from 5-6 p.m. #Thisis205 #SELin205
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Keisha Cares
Bright Futures 1/23/24 Schedule AM SESSION - CANCELLED FULL DAY SESSION- 10:00 Start *Please add 1 hour to your normal bus pick up times. PM SESSION - Normal Start 1:15
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
January 23, 2024 will be a ONE HOUR LATE START for all Galesburg Schools. Thank you.
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Due to the Icy conditions, all Galesburg CUSD 205 Schools will be closed Monday, January 22, 2024. Thank you
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
School Closed 1/22/24
The Gold-Out Game is still scheduled for tonight! Dr. Asplund and special guests fill us in on what to expect at the game. #Thisis205 #StreaksNation
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Galesburg News
Due to a shortage of First Student Bus Drivers, we are unable to have school today. We apologize for the late notice. Stay Safe and Warm. Thank you
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
school closed
We are back with #NewTeacherTuesday! Look at that fun fact for today's featured teacher! #Thisis205 #SilasWildcats
11 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
New teacher tuesday
Due to inclement weather and extremely cold temperatures, all Galesburg schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Thank you
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
school is closed
We want to make sure everyone can safely attend the upcoming cheer clinic so we have rescheduled! If you have registered we look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 17th from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Fieldhouse! #StreaksNation
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
cheer clinic
Schools will be closed on Monday, January 15th in observance of Martin Luther King Junior Day. While the holiday is always celebrated on the third Monday of January, this year it also falls on his birthday. #Thisis205
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
mlk junior day
All after-school activities, including athletic events, for Friday, January 12, 2024, will be canceled due to weather. #Thisis205
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
after school activities
Due to inclement weather, all CUSD #205 schools will be closed today, Friday, January 12th, 2024. Stay safe.
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
School Closing
The little learners are enjoying their first day back after winter break! #Thisis205 #ShiningBright
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Congratulations to all the #Shinein205 nominees and award winners! Shine Video: Nominate a staff member today! #Thisis205
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
shine nominations
shine winners
We want to extend a BIG 'thank you" to our Custodial and Maintenance departments for all their work on our snow days, ensuring our buildings are ready to welcome our staff and students back to school safely. #Thisis205
12 months ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Thank you