over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Galesburg Return To Learn Plan
Day 2 of Blended E-Learning training for teachers in Galesburg District #205! During this 1st week of training, teachers will be learning about the following topics related to Blended E-Learning: Understanding the Why and What of Blended E-Learning, Building a 21st Century Student Mindset for Increased Agency and Engagement, as well as Creating Agreements and Accountability Structures.
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Staff training
Staff training
Staff training
Staff training
Today marks the first day of Blended E-Learning training for teachers in Galesburg District #205!
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Teacher Training
Teacher Training
Teacher Training
Teacher Training
Dr. Asplund shares his video update today from the new Galesburg High School Kitchen! https://youtu.be/Egx1ZGPq-ZE
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
GHS Kitchen
Do you need to register a new student for CUSD #205? Please fill out the pre-registration form. Once you have submitted the form, you will receive a registration packet in the mail with additional instructions. https://bit.ly/2BAtT6O
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
#205 Pre registration image
Please login to Skyward Family Access to register your student(s) for the 2020-2021 school year. https://skyweb.galesburg205.org/scripts/wsisa.dll/WService=wsSky/seplog01.w
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
School Year Registration
Dr. Asplund shares his weekly video message from King Elementary this week! https://youtu.be/IUnb_WChUqE
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
King Elementary
Please click the link to view the information that has been sent via Skyward to all CUSD #205 Families regarding the Return To Learn Plan. There will be additional information available in the upcoming days. https://bit.ly/32KdjwC
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Galesburg News
In his weekly message, Dr. Asplund provides updates on the upcoming auction and the latest update regarding the start to the 20-21 school year. https://youtu.be/oWiGyl_2LQA
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Galesburg News Photo
The July Board of Education Recap is now available. The recap includes links to some of the construction presentations from the July meeting. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/801714/July_2020.pdf
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Board of Education Recap
Today marks the beginning of the CUSD #205 Return to School Committee work. Staff and community members will meet at various locations over the course of the week to put together recommendations for the return to school.
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Focus Group Members
Focus Group Members
Focus Group Members
Social and Emotional Learning isn’t something that should only be learned and practiced at school. SEL skills are life skills, too. Skills like empathy, self-control, and decision-making are used throughout our lives. #SELin205
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Social Emotional Skills
Construction work continues to progress throughout CUSD #205. Dr. Asplund shares his message today from Lombard Middle School! https://youtu.be/IpCuP9wuQ4U
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Lombard Middle School
Dr. Asplund has a guest join him today for his weekly video message! https://youtu.be/whyFRkB7l3o
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Stay Connected: Please make sure you have the correct email and phone number in Skyward Family Access! If you need help with your login or password, please email webmaster@galesburg205.org for assistance!
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
email icon
The letter from Dr. Asplund regarding the Illinois State Board of Education Guidance for the 2020-2021 school year can be found by clicking the link. Thank you! https://go.aws/3hVq5gV
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Galesburg News
Have you wondered what the buildings are behind Galesburg High School? Dr. Asplund gives you an inside look today on his weekly video message! https://youtu.be/uDK5cDHdIVs
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Did you see Dr. Asplund’s video last week? He is back at the same location to share the progress that has been made! https://youtu.be/z0HPRhizVXU
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
Steele elementary
Learn more about the ways Galesburg CUSD #205 is funded and what concerns the district faces in the future due to COVID-19. https://youtu.be/Z-tsp5k13lo
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205
District #205
over 4 years ago, Galesburg CUSD #205